education (1 total items)
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{"keyword":"education-4zXyLE1JJ","podcasts":{"keyword":"education","items":[{"ID":72,"status":40,"date_created":"2023-04-26 07:14:29","article_ID":72,"audience_type":0,"stats_view":3888,"stats_like":1,"stats_save":0,"stats_play":0,"title":"Teacher feedback literacy, feedback regimes and iterative change: Towards enhanced value in feedback processes","abstract":"This paper discusses teacher capacities for implementing learning-focused feedback processes within the social contexts of feedback regimes. Data are derived from longitudinal interviews carried out with six recipients of an award for good feedback practice; supplemented by documentary analysis of feedback artefacts; and an interview with the key instigator of the feedback award. Key elements of teacher feedback literacy are highlighted: designing feedback processes for student uptake; reflecting upon students\u2019 responses to feedback; and iterative refinement of practices over time on the basis of cumulative experience. Engaging reflectively with students\u2019 struggles with feedback potentially encourages teachers to adjust practices in the direction of learning-focused feedback processes, indicative of reflective feedback literacy. Broader social contexts in which feedback processes are enacted, including disciplinary and workload-related factors, are influenced by the feedback regimes that hold practices in place. Feedback regimes underpin the social practice of feedback in highlighting routines and procedures facilitating or constraining learning-focused feedback processes. Change elements of salience, congruence and value cast light on prospects for structural refinements to feedback regimes. A value perspective on change envisages making feedback practices satisfying for teachers as well as useful for students.","duration":null,"file_audio":null,"file_video":"1682493266433gVv1S.mp3","compressed":1,"img_profile":"f\/users\/644613a47cc19_th.jpg","slug":"teacher-feedback-literacy-feedback-regimes-and-iterative-change-towards-enhanced-value-in-feedback-processes-4zXyLE1HF","date_published_readable":"April 26, 2023","author":"David Carless","author_slug":"david-carless-4zXyLE1K1","keywords":[{"name":"education","slug":"education-4zXyLE1JJ"}],"disciplines":[]}],"count":1},"URL_MEDIA":"https:\/\/\/","head\/title":"Podcasts for keyword #education","head\/description":"Podcasts for keyword #education","head\/og\/url":"keywords\/education-4zXyLE1JJ"}